Photocatalyst Filter

Photocatalyst Filter Product Description Specifications:645*255*10 Specifications:308*396*10 Support various size Filter customization The photocatalyst filter screen is made of nano-scale powder and a variety of nano-scale light-sensitive semiconductor media for lattice doping to ensure sufficient ventilation and contact, and then mixed with the carrier to effectively remove airborne particles. Harmful gases and odors such as carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons, aldehydes, benzene, etc., can be decomposed into harmless CO2 and H2O, and it also has a bactericidal function. A catalyst that reacts with the participation of light. Under the illumination, the surface of titanium dioxide forms electron holes and free electrons, combines with water and oxygen in the air, and undergoes a redox reaction, forming strong oxidizing hydroxyl radicals ( OH) and superoxide anion radicals (O2ˉ) on the surface. It can decompose harmful gases and some inorganic compounds in ...