How do you know if it’s time to replace your air filter?
Your engine relies upon its air filter to keep dust and debris out of the engine. By providing a clean stream of air to the engine, an air filter ensures the engine gets the right amount of air needed to operate at its peak level.
Worn or dirty air filters will cause your engine to perform poorly; among the things you'll notice is that you’ll have less power and weaker acceleration. Your throttle response will be diminished as well.
But how do you know if it’s time to replace your air filter?
One rule of thumb is to keep track of how long your air filter has been in place. The average recommended length of service is about 10,000 to 15,000 miles, which for most people is every year or so. But keep in mind that, as with most things related to your car, this is just a recommendation and it doesn’t take into account your individual driving situation.
If you’re driving in heavy traffic on a regular basis, your air filter is not going to last as long. You’re going to have a lot of stop-and-start driving, which places more demands on your car and will also cause your air filter to get dirtier faster. Driving in dusty or rural locations can also make your air filter’s performance decline more quickly, so keep in mind that where you’re driving will affect how long it lasts.
Knowing some of the telltale signs of a dirty or clogged filter can keep you from waiting too long to replace it. This guide will go over some common signs that show when it’s time to change your car air filter.
1. Odd Engine Noises
Cars make a lot of different noises, and you don’t have to worry about every single one. However, if you notice the sudden appearance of spitting or popping sounds when your engine is idle, it’s possible that the filter needs to be changed. These sounds may be caused by filters that have gotten clogged up, interfering with the air-fuel mixture inside the engine.
2. A Dirty or Discolored Filter
One of the easiest ways to spot a filter that needs changing is to actually take a look at it. A clean and fresh filter will be mostly white in color but will get darker as it gathers dust and dirt. If your filter looks very dark and dirty, it might be time to change it. If you’re unsure about anything, you can get a technician to check your filters for you.
3. Check Engine Light
Many drivers notice the “Check Engine” light appearing on their dashboards from time to time. This light can have many different meanings. It could be connected to a filter problem. If the filter is blocked and not enough air is getting through to your engine, the light can turn on automatically. It’s very important to pay attention to this light and not simply ignore it.
4. Black Smoke from the Exhaust
It’s never a good sign when dark smoke comes puffing out of your car’s exhaust. This is commonly a sign of a clogged air filter. It happens because the engine doesn’t have the right air-fuel balance, so excess fuel actually flows out of the exhaust in the form of black smoke. In some cases, you may even notice little flames at the end of your exhaust pipe as the unburned fuel starts to ignite.
5. Poor Performance
If you use your car regularly, you should have a good knowledge of how it usually feels to drive. If you notice any sudden changes, like slow performance when driving uphill or the car struggling to reach high speeds, it’s possible that the filter could be to blame for this.
6. Weak Fuel Economy
A dirty filter can restrict airflow into your engine, and if the engine doesn’t have enough air to operate, it compensates for this by burning extra fuel. This means that you may start to use more fuel on your usual trips, and you may find that you need to fill your car’s tank more often than normal.
If you spot any of the signs listed above, or if you’ve had the same filter in place for a long time, it’s wise to get the filter replaced.
Time for a Change
Don’t underestimate the power of a new air filter. The vitality of your car relies on it. Most owner’s manuals recommend switching out the air filter every 12,000 to 15,000 miles. No car is exempt from the potential damage caused by a dirty air filter. Do yourself (and your car) a favor, and make sure to replace this key component of the air intake system regularly. Contact us for more guidance in air filters.